Keroro Wiki
Chibi Kero The Forbidden game
ちびケロ (きん)じられた遊び(あそ) であります
Chibi Kero Kinjirareta Asobi de Arimasu
Season +
English Funimation anime title ?
Air date June 21, 2008
English air date Error: Invalid time."Error: Invalid time." contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.
Screenplay ? +
Storyboard ? +
Direction ? +
Animation director ? +
Animation supervisor ? +
Production assistance ? +
Previous episode: Episode 216
Keroro: Compression of Invasion? de arimasu
Fuyuki: Lengendary Objects in the Hinata Residence de arimasu
This episode: Episode 217
Chibi Kero: Playing is not Allowed de arimasu
Keroro: Fear of an Invader de arimasu
Next episode: Episode 218
Chibi Kero: If Your Ear is Taken de arimasu
Keroro: Caries War 2 de arimasu
Related to manga?
Chibi Kero: Playing is not Allowed de arimasufalse
[edit info]

Chibi Kero: The Forbidden Game is the first part of the 217th episode.

