Keroro Wiki

The 1st volume of the Keroro Gunso manga series by Mine Yoshizaki.


After Sgt. Keroro blew his cover and lost his top-secret weapon, the frog-like alien has been cut off from the homeworld. To make matters worse, he's lost communications with the rest of his platoon. Now he has taken cover in the Hinata family household, where in exchange for doing his share of the chores, he gets his own room from which to secretly devise new plans of world domination!

Official Tokyopop Synopsis[]

Featuring Keroro on the cover, this is the 1st volume of the popular Keroro Gunso manga series.

Official Amazon Synopsis[]

Sgt. Keroro is sent to Earth to collect intelligence for his invasion force. He's armed he's on a mission, and did we mention he's a frog?

Official Kana (French) Synopsis[]

La Terre est sur le point d’être envahie, l’avant-garde extraterrestre est déjà infiltrée sur notre planète ! Hélas, le sergent Keroro, une grenouille verte extraterrestre, se fait démasquer par Fuyuki et Natsumi, les enfants de la famille Hinata.

La mission est annulée et Keroro se voit contraint de séjourner chez les Hinata, le temps pour lui de prendre contact avec ceux de son peuple… Une cohabitation pour le moins tumultueuse !! Ce manga culte tout à fait délirant arrive enfin en France !!

Official Norma (Spain) Synopsis[]

NUESTRO PLANETA ESTA A PUNTO DE SER INVADIDO... -POR UN EJERCITO DERANAS!Llega la serie de humor que esta arrasando actualmente en Japon y seha convertido en un fenomeno de masas como DORAEMON y SHIN CHAN. Elsargento Keroro es un temible alienigena de color verde con aspecto de rana que comanda todo un ejercito dispuesto a invadir la Tierra...-La serie de manga mas divertida que encontraras!KERORO viene avalada tambien por el exito de version animada. La serie de TV, de la que se han producido 126 episodios hasta la fecha, esuno de los mayores exitos actuales de la TV japonesa, por lo que se ha creado un sinfin de productos derivados, dos largometrajes y toda una legion de seguidores incondicionales.En Espana ya se ha estrenado en Cartoon Networky sera uno de losgrandes bombazos de la temporada.


  • Encounter I: Enter The Sergeant
  • Encounter II: An Audience with General Mom
  • Encounter III: Me, Myself, and Momoko
  • Encounter IV: The Sarge's Quarters - Invasion from Within!
  • Encounter V: Cohabitation of the Third Kind
  • Encounter VI: Alien Observational Journal
  • Encounter 6.5: Haunted Houseguest
  • Encounter VII: Carnage in the Storm
  • Encounter VIII: Momoko's South Seas Operation
  • Encounter IX: Extended Shore Leave
  • Encounter X: Behold the Lord of Terror! Apocalypse Now!
  • Bonus 1: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Sergeant Keroro
  • Bonus 2: Sergeant Frog Unveiled the Monster Files: 01


New Characters:


  • The original Japanese cover of the first book is no longer being produced. The only way to find it is to buy second-hand copies.
  • The cover of Encounter VI, "Alien Observational Journal" is a reference to the Wikipedia-globe PaRappa the Rapper franchise. In the image, Keroro is dressed up as PaRappa Rappa, Fuyuki is cosplaying as Katy Kat, and Natsumi is dressed up as Lammy.
  • In the cover of Encounter VII, "Carnage in the Storm", Keroro is in a Wikipedia-globe Tiger I tank, also known as Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger Ausf. E.

