Keroro Wiki
Keroro Wiki
Forums: Index > Keroro Gunso General Discussion > Anokoro Keroro Gunso


Do you have pictures of Anokoro Keroro Gunso ? Or where can we buy thoses cards ? Thanks. 12:08, 18 July 2008 (UTC)

I don't know much about Anokoro Keroro Gunso, sorry. What I know is that it's connected with Keroro Land. --する 14:27, 18 July 2008 (UTC)
Hum... You don't have the japanese spelling ? To search in Google to see if there is pictures ?
I've created stubs for most of the characters in this wiki, you can view them by team in {{Teams in Anokoro Keroro Gunso}}. --する 02:18, 20 July 2008 (UTC)