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Keroro Wiki
Keroro☆Pop Star (Album)
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For the main theme song, see Keroro Popstar

Keroro★Pop Star (ケロロ★ポップスター Keroro★Poppusutā) is the main album for the Keroro (Flash Series). Most of the tracks were made by SuperSweep, and they include the background tracks for the Flash Series.


Keroro☆Pop Star (Album) - Track List
  Keroro Pop Star
  Twirly-Whirly Kekkeroke
  Tamama's Candy World
  Turn Around, and There's Corporal Giroro
  A Corporal Giroro Kind of Mood
  Go, Go, Giroro!
  Kururu's I Made a Thing!
  Dororo Appears!
  Our Sergeant Keroro!
  A Mysterious Invader
  Progression of A Terrifying Plan
  Progression of A Pleasant Plan
  Fun Times At The Hinata House
  Things are Kero-Bad
  Everything's Going Smoothly Today, Yes Sir
  New Keroro is Unmatched
  Huh The Stars Are Streaming
  Womanly Strength!
  Eye Catch
  I Want To Kero-Explain
  Jekyll And Hyde Other Tamama
  Something Dreadful Appears
  Fanfare A.
  Fanfare B.
  Fanfare C.
  Fanfare D.
  All's Well That Ends Well
  Just A Jingle, Yes Sir
  Until Next Time!
  To Be Continued, Yes Sir!

External Links[]

  • Keroro★Pop Star album download on Rekochoku
  • Keroro★Pop Star album download on Mobakoro
  • Keroro★Pop Star album download on Itunes