Keroro Wiki
Keroro: That Was a Prank♪ de arimasu
ケロロ  ウッソだよ~ん♪ 
Keroro: Usso da Yōn♪ de Arimasu
Season +
Air date March 28, 2009
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Keroro: That Was a Prank♪ de arimasufalse
[edit info]

Keroro: That Was a Prank♪ de arimasu (ケロロ  ウッソだよ~ん♪ であります Keroro: Usso da Yōn♪ de Arimasu) is the second part of the 256th episode and last episode of the 5th season of the anime Keroro Gunso.



  • This is the last episode of the 5th season.
    • Also this is the only 2 stories episode of the season finale.
  • The ending theme of this episode is including the clips from the Keroro Gunsou the Super Movie 4: Dragon Warriors de arimasu!, but only in TV version because it was used for upcoming movie 4. But on DVD releases, the ending theme is using the clips from all the episodes on the 5th season, except for one episode 234 and Warrior Kero episodes.


  • In one scene, Space Watanabe Kumiko's tail is colored cream instead of brown.
  • In one scene, the hairpin on Mois' hair is missing.