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Keroro Wiki

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD (ケロロ軍曹 宇宙でもっともギリギリなCD Keroro Gunsou Uchuu de Mottomo Girigiri na CD (shī di)) is a five-volume series of drama CD's based on Keroro Gunso.

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD 1[]

Track listing[]

  1. The Last Space Theme (Mois and Keroro edition)
  2. Earth Invasion Drama 2 with Mois and Keroro de arimasu!
  3. Dosukoi Gunso
  4. Next Release
  5. Cast Introduction de arimasu!
  6. Dosukoi Gunso (Original Karaoke)

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD 2[]

Uchuudemottomogirigirinacd 2

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD 2

Track listing[]

  1. The Last Space Theme (556 and Lavie edition)
  2. Earth Invasion Drama 2 with 556 and Lavie de arimasu!
  3. 556 Burning Love Theme
  4. Next Release
  5. Cast Introduction desū!
  6. 556 Burning Love Theme (Original Karaoke)

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD 3[]

Uchuudemottomogirigirinacd 3

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD 3

Track listing[]

  1. The Last Space Theme (Giroro and Natsumi edition)
  2. Earth Invasion Drama 2 with Giroro and Natsumi de arimasu!
  3. Ariso de Nasaso na Girigiri no Blues (Original Karaoke)
  4. Cast Introduction de gozaru
Uchuudemottomogirigirinacd 5

Keroro Gunso: The Last Space CD 5
