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Keroro Wiki

The Keroro Platoon as Animal Girls/Friends

The Keroro Platoon Girl Type (女の子型ケロロ小隊 Onnanoko Gata Keroro Shoutai) or Keroro Friends (ケロロフレンズ Keroro Furenzu) is the Keroro Platoon after being transformed into human girls. They appear in collaboration with the mobile RPG Kemono Friends. The Kemono Friends game by Nexon was part of a multimedia project based on original concepts by Keroro's own creator, Mine Yoshizaki. Their new forms and basic personalities for the tie-in were designed directly by Mine Yoshizaki, while an event Quest tied to the Collaboration was written with his supervision.

In addition to their appearance in the now dead mobile game, they also appeared in the Kemono Friends tie-in with the CHAOS TCG. Friend Keroro also has made a brief appearance in an extra page of chapter 264 of the Keroro Gunsou manga (Shounen Ace numbering), showing a different take on her first meeting with Mirai.

In the sequel game, Kemono Friends 3, Keroro makes an appearance in a new Friend form[1] during the event Sergeant Keroro, please give me the park! (ケロロ軍曹、パークを頂戴であります! Keroro Gunsou, Pa-ku wo choudai de arimasu!). Alisa Southerncross also became a playable character.

One year later, Natsumi Hinata and Giroro also became playable characters in Kemono Friends 3 during a new collaboration event[2] called Giroro & Natsumi, the maidenly beast transformation! (ギロロ&夏美 乙女でけものな大変身! Giroro & Natsumi, otomede kemono daihenshin!). Like Keroro, Giroro's new Friend form was heaily changed from the original, meanwhile Natsumi got new equipment made by Kururu, including a new version of the Powered Natsumi suit, which allows her to fight against Ceruleans.

Kemono Friends[]

KemonoFriends Serval 01

The mobile game's story started with an amnesiac teenager waking up in Japari Park, a giant integrated safari zoo with animals from around the entire world. Mirai, a Park Guide, welcomes the visitor, and they soon meet Serval, a human-like girl with cat ears and tail. Mirai reveals that a certain day something called "Sandstar" fell from the skies, turning the animals of the park into Animal Girls, also known as Friends, and Serval was one of them. Shortly afterwards, unknown monsters that soon came to be known as "Ceruleans" attacked and most people evacuated, leaving Mirai and the Animal Girls behind, with Mirai working alongside them to restore the park. Soon, they learn that the protagonist has a talisman that can boost the power of the Friends in combat. The protagonist had an invitation to the park, as well as a vague childhood memory related to it, and after seeing that power, decides to help too. Soon, they gather more and more Friends as they travel through Japari Park, in their efforts to stop the Ceruleans and restore the Park.

Collaboration Story[]

In the event quests tied to the collaboration, the Keroro Platoon decides to invade Japari Park, although they didn't know about the Sandstar incident. While flying over the area, their aircraft is attacked by a flying Cerulean and Keroro accidentally activates the self-destruction switch. Due to the explosion, fall unconscious in different areas of the park's Aku Island. Keroro wakes up, and soon noticed that his appearance and voice had changed into that of a Pekoponian girl. Shortly afterwards, Keroro is attacked by Ceruleans, who she describes as enemy aliens, but is saved in the last moment by Mirai, Serval and the main character.

Cellurians 01

Keroro's first encounter with Ceruleans.

The Park Guide wonders why Keroro isn't in her database, only for Keroro to reveal herself as an alien. After some confusion, the Park Guide explains Japari Park's current situation to Keroro. Asking for their help, Keroro decides to gather the platoon and especially Kururu, hoping to find a way back to normal.

Following rumors about a mysterious "Girl in Red who exterminated a powerful Cerulean", they go into the Forest Area, and, after going through many traps, where Serval showcases her agility, they finally meet Giroro, who is constantly teased by Keroro about becoming a girl. Keroro hides their original invasion goal from the others, still planning to attempt it later.


Ceru Natsumi, the first super Cerulean that faced the Keroro Platoon

Afterwards, there were news about a "Ghost seeking sweets" from the nearby Swamp Area. After Giroro is momentarily paralyzed due to her fear of ghosts, they find Tamama, who was wandering around the area while screaming for sweets. Tamama reveals that there was a fearful creature in that area, and while hiding from it, she ended up so hungry she could barely move. They eventually meet that creature - a Cerulean that resembled a giant gelatinous Natsumi. The Keroro platoon members are initially immobilized by fear, and Giroro and Tamama are taken out and eaten in one shot. The Park Guide explains that the Cerulean likely absorbed some of Natsumi's DNA that might have been in their ship, like hair strands. After being rescued by the Hero and the other Animal Girls, they gather courage and decided to fight, destroying the monster. Although there weren't sweets, Serval talks about Japari Manju, a famous specialty from Japari Park and they promise to make a "Japaman" party later.

Following hints about Kururu's whereabouts, they go into the Desert Area. However, there, they hear many contradictory stories about her, some talking about an hero, others talking about a trickster. Finally, when Ceruleans attack, they're helped by a unidentified ninja-like Animal Girl, who Keroro decides to call "Mysterious Beauty". That girl turns out to be Dororo, who initially enjoys the attention, but eventually reveals her identity in anger after noticing the group had completely forgotten about her. News about a dangerous Cerulean quickly spread around Japari Park, and their quest for Kururu is put on hold while Keroro agrees to deal with it in order to protect Japari Park and the friends they made there.


The super Cerulian that mutated after absorbing Keroro's cells.

The giant Cerulean resembled a giant gelatinous version of Friend Keroro. Kururu herself was facing the giant Cerulean alone, although without much success. The others go to her rescue, but somehow lose their will to save her after being annoyed by Kururu's twisted personality. After she's rescued, Kururu reveals that the Cerulean is an enemy alien that took a form resembling a giant Keroro due to absorbing their DNA - it was the flying creature that attacked their aircraft in the first place. Feeling responsible for it, Keroro tells the protagonist, Serval and the others to leave the battle to them, but they deny it, telling them that they're friends and should all fight together.

In the end, the Cerulean is destroyed. Kururu reveals that they can go back to their normal selves by leaving the park and distancing themselves from the Sandstar. However, before that, they have the promised party with lots of Japari Manju.

After the party is over, however, rather than leaving and going back to normal, Keroro says they'll help the protagonist, Serval and the others in their own quest. All other platoon members quickly agree, offering their talents to help their new friends.

Kemono Friends 3[]

Kemono Friends 3

The latest Keroro Friends installment is a mobile RPG sequel to the original Kemono Friends game. The game stars the "Japari Security and Research Team", abbreviated to JSRT, led by a recently arrived park staff member, teaming up with two newly introduced Friends, Dhole and Meerkat alongside the returning Short-Beaked Common Dolphin, and many other ones. The adventure starts in the An'in Region during a timeline after original game released by Nexon and before Japari Park's grand opening. [3]

In the new collaboration event, Keroro receives many complaints from the other platoon members in the secret base under the Hinata residence due to the invasion going nowhere. Annoyed by it all, he decides to leave, taking the KeroBall with him, and start the invasion by himself in the Japari Park.

However, when Keroro gets to Japari Park, he isn't recognized there, and, on top of that, the place is being attacked by Cerulians, with many Friends and even humans losing their usual personality and behaving oddly due to strange effects of this enemy. Keroro decides to help them, but just gets beaten up in combat. At this point, he decides to somehow synchronize the Keron Star with Serval, transforming into a Friend once a more. Although the new Keroro Friend is different looking from her original form, she's immediately recognized by Serval and the others.

On top of Keroro, this time, Alisa Southerncross soon arrives. Although there are a few incidents, she helps out facing the threat. After many adventures, Keroro still had time to hang out with various Friends. In the end, Serval regrets that Keroro intended to leave and return home, and wished she could just stay with them, although Keroro promises she'll return again someday.

Returning to the secret base, already back in his normal form, Keroro is confident and happy, although everyone else is even more annoyed by how he disappeared out of nowhere and don't want to hear any stories about his trip.

Keroro Girl Type[]

Voice Actress: Kanae Itō[4][5]

Keroro's general personality doesn't change and her characteristic de arimasu (であります) is often used during the event's story conversations, and also various special quotes, like victory and special attacks.

She breaks the 4th wall several times, talking about character types in the main story and outright mentioning the "level up" mechanic in all of her level up quotes.

Keroro boasts to the player avatar about being a model woman and soldier, able to cook, do the laundry, clean and invade. In one of her home screen quotes, she's seen happily singing and teasing the Player about whether he noticed anything different about her that day.

She fights with a beam saber similar to the one wielded by the RX-78 Gundam and combined with the Hero's mysterious power she's able to use the Keron Star Buster - projecting energy from the Keron Star into a star shaped energy attack.

Keroro has been grouped in the pure attribute section, and she is good at fighting on the water terrain, but she is poor at fighting on the sand terrain.

Appearance in Kemono Friends 3[]

Keroro Kemono Friends 3

Voice Actress: Kumiko Watanabe[6]

Keroro's new design includes white tips at the end of her hair, a laid-back uniform with an open jacket (and the white parts of her previous uniform recolored to dark green), a yellow star on her shirt, and new accessories. Five stars appear in her outfit, each representing the rest of the Keroro Platoon. A red star on Keroro's bow represents Giroro, a blue star on her jacket represents Dororo, and the two black and yellow stars on her respective shoes symbolize Tamama and Kururu. In addition to a yellow star, Keroro's eye now also has small patterns referencing the emblems of the other platoon memers. The shine on Keroro's eye also has been removed.

Keroro is now considered an "Active" type friend. When fighting, Keroro's new special skill is called "This is the power of a pretty girl!". The animation first shows Keroro walking through a city with many Keroro advertisements, before getting surprised by an enemy attack, and counterattacking with the Dangozaka SA special attack, which first appeared in episode 342 of Keroro Gunso, Keroro, Birth! New Final Technique!. Her battle intro features her flying into battle in Keroro's usual Flying Saucer board.

In the story, Keroro heads to Japari Park to invade it and impress the platoon, after receiving negative comments from them. This time, he stole the Kero Ball from Fuyuki. Unlike the original event where Keroro and the others were transformed into Friends by Sandstar like usual, this time Keroro transforms into a Friend using the power of the Keron Star combined with Serval's, resulting in a different form.

Aside from keeping Keroro's original voice, the new Friend Keroro is lazier than the original version. Rather than happily cleaning the park, she brags about how hanging around in the Japari Park is true life since she doesn't have to work and gets free food. While hanging out in the team's main house, Keroro has a quote where she talks about how she finally understands how good is the life that Tamama has at the Nishizawa Manor. She often describes herself as a Ultimate Pretty Girl (超絶美少女 Chouzetsu Bishoujo).

Giroro Girl Type[]

Voice Actress: Eriko Matsui[4][5]

After becoming a girl, Giroro often uses the gender neutral and polite watashi () to reference herself, rather than Giroro's usual blunt and masculine ore (). Sometimes, she also ends sentences with the feminine wa () particle. Keroro teases her about how not only her appearance changed, but also her character, angering her, who denies to have changed at all, even though she obviously had changed.

Her crush for Natsumi is still strong, with her being excited about training alongside Natsumi or imagining her with animal ears. However, in addition to that, she gets embarrassed when thanking the player avatar for their help and angrily denies liking them.

Giroro has been grouped into the passion attribute section, and she is good at fighting on sandy terrain, but she is poor at fighting on snowy terrain.

Appearance in Kemono Friends 3[]

Voice Actress: Official credits only list her as "???"

Kemono Friends 3 Giroro artwork 02

Giroro's new Friend form has a more aggressive design, with torn apart clothing, short and tank top, rather than an uniform similar to Keroro's, although she retains the gray hair and gray to purpleish eyes, but this time with darker skin.

Right before and after transforming, Giroro's speech pattern changes into a feminine one like during the original collaboration, however, she soon controls herself and manages to talk mostly like usual in front of Natsumi. Afterwards, Giroro mostly keeps the usual male speech patterns of her original form, especially when interacting with Keroro and Natsumi and also in most direct interactions with the player. Giror also behaves like usual when interacting with Natsumi, both in the main event story and unique battle dialogue, with the usual crush being demonstrated. However, when invited by Lion to hang out, she ends reverting to the same feminine speech patterns of her original Friend form. If the expedition team leader (the player), tickles Giroro, she briefly addresses them as "older brother" in her feminine tone, while asking them to stop treating her as a child, before getting embarrassed and correcting herself. She can also be seen dreaming about participating in a beauty contest while sleeping, talking in a similar tone. Giroro's personal "going out" clothing is a female school uniform similar to Natsumi's.

Giroro in his original Keronian form couldn't damage Ceruleans even with grenades, but Friend Giroro's attacks, even with her weapons, instantly become effective.

Tamama Girl Type[]

Voice Actress: Ai Maeda[4][5]

Tamama's surface personality and speech style remain the same, although her darker side seems absent. She still talks in a boyish, rather than getting a more feminine speech style like Dororo and Giroro. When asked about how she felt about becoming a girl, she says that it's a bit embarrassing, but otherwise doesn't seem bothered by the change.

She boasts to the player avatar about being the cutest girl and doesn't mind sharing food with them. Oddly, there are no signs of her dark personality. Even when she uses the Tamama Impact her cute smiling face and voice are kept.

Tamama has been grouped in the pure attribute section, and she is good at fighting on the water terrain, but she is poor at fighting on the sand terrain.

Dororo Girl Type[]

Voice Actress: Juri Nagatsuma[4][5]

Dororo admires the harmony in the Japari Park and swears to protect it. She appears to help the Keroro and the others while they search for Kururu, but they don't recognize her, calling her only a "mystery beauty". Dororo actually enjoys the role, although eventually gets disappointed when she notices that "Dororo" is being completely forgotten by the others. Even after mentioning her name, the others didn't remember her, only actually recognizing her after she went into a furious trauma mode where she beat up Keroro.

She changes her speech style entirely after becoming a girl. It's still comically formal, but more feminine. Her sessha (拙者), an archaic "I" used by Samurai, is replaced by the extremely formal watakushi (). Meanwhile, in all her voiced dialogue, her de gozaru (でござる) sentence ender is replaced by desu ne (ですね). In her non-voiced script though, she also uses a simple desu (です) quite a bit.

When she's in trauma mode, she calls Keroro by Keroro-chan, rather than Keroro-kun. Differently from Dororo's usual trauma mode though, she actually attacks Keroro while crying, repeatedly screaming "idiot!".

In the home screen, Dororo asks the player avatar to have tea with her and timidly wonders whether they think she's cute.

Dororo has been grouped into the cool attribute section, and she is good at fighting on snowy terrain, but she's poor in the plains terrain.

Kururu Girl Type[]

Voice Actress: Emi Uwagawa[4][5]

Kururu considers the events happening around them fun. According to her profile, she notices that there had also been personality changes alongside the physical ones, but isn't bothered by that and claims that her actual nature isn't changed by minor details like those. Her speech style isn't any different from before either.

She teases the player avatar in several of her home screen quotes, wondering how they could stand her or whether they had fallen for her. In her "wild release" (level limit up) quote, she promises to show her best to the player.

Kururu has been grouped into the cool attribute section, and she is good at fighting on the plains terrain, but she is poor at fighting on the water terrain.

Kururuoko is adorable

Kururuko in her original appearance.


  • Unlike the other platoon members, Keroro could be recruited even after the end of the collaboration event, as long as the player had a code from the first printing of Volume 26 of the manga.
  • Kururu's female name has also been used by Kururu when talking about his Pekoponian Suit.



  1. [1] PR Times. Accessed March 27, 2024.
  2. [2] PR Times. Accessed March 27, 2024.
  3. "Kemono Friends 3". Japari Library. Accessed February 26, 2023.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4 article about the collaboration lists their voice actresses.[3]
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 PR Times article about the collaboration lists their voice actresses.[4]
  6. [5] PR Times. Accessed February 26, 2023.

External links[]
