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Keroro Wiki

NEW! Stream and Download the Official Music from [Available Globally]
You can now find the official music tracks from your favourite series "KERORO GUNSO"!
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includes Apple Music, Spotify, LINE Music, YouTube Music and more…

Keroro Song, Everybody Enter de arimasu! 3 (TVアニメ『ケロロ軍曹』ケロロソング③ TV anime “keroro gunsō” Kerorosongu ③) is the third compilation from the anime series Keroro Gunso. It was released on 9 December 2019 to be added to major online streaming and download platforms.

The album combines many of the anime's notable songs, such as openings and endings, songs from movies, and also special inserts and unaired songs.

Track list[]

  1. Return of the KERO! and March (帰ってきたケロッ! とマーチ) [Length: 3:12]
  2. Kero Neko no Tango [Kero Cat's Tango] (ケロ猫のタンゴ) [Length: 4:22]
  3. Popoi the Keronman (ポポイ・ザ・ケロンマン) [Length: 3:14]
  4. Wettleking's Theme (ウェットルキングのうた) [Length: 3:24]
  5. AFRO ONDO: kurukuru Pants! (アフロ音頭でくるくるパ〜ンツ!) [Length: 4:27]
  6. Space Radio Gymnastics Song (宇宙レイディオ体操のうた) [Length: 1:14]
  7. The Spell of Love is Keroroski (恋の呪文はケロロスキー) [Length: 4:17]
  8. Ding Dong ~ Battlefield CAKE ~ (Ding Dong 〜戦場のCAKE〜) [Length: 5:17]
  9. Return of the KERO! and March [Yasuharu Konishi Remix] [READYMADE SERGEANT ROCK] (帰ってきたケロッ! とマーチ ‐READYMADE SERGEANT ROCK‐ - Remixed by 小西康陽) [Length: 3:26]
  10. It's a long way away, it's the stars I'm with (遠いね一緒の星なのに) [Length: 4:13]
  11. Yoki ni Hakarae! (よきにはからえ!) [Length: 4:04]
  12. KERORO Rock'n roll (ケロロ基準でRock'n roll) [Length: 3:45]