Keroro Wiki
Keroro Wiki
Momoka: The Inner Momoka Appears, de arimasu
桃華 裏桃華降臨 であります
Momoka: Ura Momoka Kourin, de arimasu
Season +
English Funimation anime title The DARK MOMOKA Saga, part 7, plus Pool Training!
Air date July 10, 2004
Screenplay Satoru Nishizono +
Storyboard Shogo Kawamoto +
Direction KhJRqEjEumvQyJZCyB +
Animation director Takuro Shinbo +
Animation supervisor Fumitoshi Oizaki +
Production assistance  Error: Property pair unspecified
Related to manga?
Momoka: The Inner Momoka Appears, de arimasutrue
[edit info]

Momoka: The Inner Momoka Appears, de arimasu (桃華 裏桃華降臨 であります Momoka: Ura Momoka Kourin, de arimasu) is the first part of the 15th episode of the anime Keroro Gunso.

The English title is parodied from that of The Dark Phoenix Saga.
