Keroro Wiki
Oka: Come with Cherry Blossoms de arimasu
桜華 桜と共に来る であります
Ouka: Sakura to Tomo ni Kuru, de arimasu
Season +
Air date April 12, 2008
Screenplay  Error: Property pair unspecified
Storyboard  Error: Property pair unspecified
Direction  Error: Property pair unspecified
Animation director  Error: Property pair unspecified
Animation supervisor  Error: Property pair unspecified
Production assistance  Error: Property pair unspecified
Related to manga?
Oka: Come with Cherry Blossoms de arimasufalse
[edit info]

Oka: Come with Cherry Blossoms de arimasu (桜華 桜と共に来る であります Ouka: Sakura to Tomo ni Kuru, de arimasu) is the second part of the 207th episode of the anime Keroro Gunso.



Differents on DVD[]


  • Even though Oka plays the major role in this episode, Momoka also has a part of the major role character.
  • This is the first we seen someone from the Nishizawa family who saw Momoka's love secret, in that case, Oka, she was surprised seeing her daughter hugging Fuyuki which she thinks she fall in love on him.


